Summer in the South means hot lawns that sometimes dry out. This is like a welcome sign for chinch bugs, especially near sidewalks and driveways. But don't worry, our guide will help you tackle these lawn pests quickly and safely.
Conquer lawn pests and disease with three key actions:
1. Identify what's harming your lawn. 2. Eliminate the root of the problem. 3. Renew your lawn for quick recovery.1. Identifying Chinch Bugs
In hot Southern summers, chinch bugs love dry grass, especially near driveways and sidewalks. To spot them, try the 'Coffee Can Test.' Cut both ends off a metal can and place it in a green patch next to brown grass. Fill the can with water. If chinch bugs float up, it's time to act before they spread. Note: If you spot chinch bugs, act fast. They'll keep damaging your lawn until you deal with them.2. Eliminate the Problem
- Use Original Dawn Blue Dishwashing Liquid—no substitutes! Mix 2 oz Dawn per gallon of water. Avoid anything that say anti-microbial or anti-bacterial as that will kill your soil.
- You can use a hose end sprayer, watering can, or bucket to soak both the brown and green grass around it. For larger areas a hose end sprayer or a 5 gallon bucket works best.
- Do this in the late afternoon or evening.
- Extend at least five feet from the dead patches.
- Repeat daily for four days.
- After four days, use the 'Coffee Can Test' again. If you still see bugs, keep treating for two more days and test again.
3. Renew Your Lawn
Now that we have eliminated the pest we need to talk about how to recover and prevent them from coming again.- First, get the watering right. Aim for 1.5 inches of water every week and do it early in the morning.
- Second, clear out the dead grass. Use a soft rake to remove it.
- Third, add a thin layer of organic compost. We prefer Nature's Way Resources Leaf Mold Compost for this purpose. This gives new grass a great place to grow.
- Fourth, boost your soil. Use double the recommended amount of MicroLife Humates Plus 0-0-4 around the affected area for better moisture retention and beneficial microbes.
- Finally, encourage new growth. Apply Molasses at a rate of 4 oz per gallon over the compost and Humates Plus. For even better and faster results consider using MicroLife Super Seaweed which contains molasses and a healthy dose of nutrients to promote fast rooting of grass. Molasses is like liquid sunshine to organic soil as it promotes growth of beneficial microorganisms which will boost the recovery of the grass. Repeat this liquid application every two weeks for best results.