Welcome to Healthy Soil Organics

Healthy Soil Organics is an organic soil amendment and fertilizer retailer located in the Garden Oaks district of Houston, TX. We are Emil Lwakatare (Left) and Jason Ostermayer (Right). We began our journey as business partners seven years ago as online retail marketing professionals working with over a hundred brands on the Amazon.com retail space.  This experience has allowed us to grow in many avenues of online marketing and promotion. In 2019, we forged a relationship with San Jacinto Environmental Supplies in Houston, TX - the masterminds behind MicroLife Fertilizer. We have been making this fantastic product available nationwide, thanks to the help of our Amazon store and HealthySoilOrganics.com.

We are both proud to be members of OHBA - the Organic Horticultural Benefits Alliance in Houston, TX, which is a community-focused organization dedicated to educating all individuals, gardeners, homeowners, landscapers, schools, and truth seekers on the real-world application and benefits of organics, so that our community not only survives but thrives as the world moves towards organics and sustainability.  From our relationship with the many wonderful members of this organization we have refined many strategies that produce reliable and cost effective results in the lawn and garden.

As a result, we are combining our online retail expertise with our knowledge of organic processes to bring you the absolute best, all natural, safe, biological fertilizer and soil amendments on the market today.